Unlike KeePass which creates “safes”, (encrypted files saved directly on disk), Secret Server is a web-based application installed on your network. It can be accessed via any platform. The four major web browsers – Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari and Chrome – are fully supported.
Mobile Support
Secret Server has native apps for iPhone, Android and BlackBerry. These mobile apps can be installed on a Smartphone and configured for a Secret Server installation in minutes.
Why is Secret Server a perfect KeePass alternative for enterprise password management?
Have you ever wondered how KeePass compares to Secret Server Password Software?
KeePass is designed for single users; but Secret Server is great for teams too.
KeePass lacks authentication – the master password does not identify users; Secret Server does not have this problem.
KeePass lacks some other essential functionality too.
centralized control
integration with existing systems for authentication
integration with existing systems for automatic password changing
All these factors make KeePass a great tool for an individual but severely lacking for an IT admin team. Secret Server is specifically designed for IT admin teams.